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London Real

Apr 27, 2014

Geoff Thompson is a former bouncer, self-defence instructor, BAFTA winning writer, playwright, author and teacher.  His first appearance on London Real causes people stop me on the street weekly to talk about the effect he has had on their lives.

Apr 20, 2014

Dan Peña is by far one of the most eccentric American businessmen I have ever met, and I've seen my fair share over the years.

Apr 13, 2014

Rou Reynolds is the lead singer of Enter Shikari, a British post-hardcore band known for their mix of music genres and bold political messages.  I hooked up with him the day he was giving the closing talk at Z-Day, the Zeitgeist Movement's global celebration of unity, activism, and education.

Apr 6, 2014

Biologist & Writer Rupert Sheldrake explains how each species of animal has a collective memory, his definition of the Science Delusion, how living in India helped develop his theories, why he particularly enjoys 3-way conversations, and how he's never met anyone as lively and fun to be with as Terence McKenna.